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- Autoimmunity Care Pancreatic Multi-enzyme Care
How will Autoimmunity Care Pancreatic Multi-enzyme Care Benefit you
You should include these supplements in your daily routine if you experience the following :
- Gut & Digestive Issues
- Gas, Bloating, Pain, Constipation
- Inflammation & skin issues
- Low Immunity
- Poor Pancreas, Liver & Gall bladder

Autoimmunity Care Pancreatic Multi-enzyme Care is best for
This Advanced Digestive & Systemic Support helps to:
- Digests Hard-to-Digest Foods
- Reduces Gas, Bloating, Constipation, Acidity
- Enhances Nutrient Absorption
- Fights Chronic Infections
- Reduces Systemic Inflammation
- Strengthens Immunity
World-class quality + Finest ingredients
16 Science-driven natural ingredients to deliver daily healthy fats, anti-inflammation & anti-oxidants.
1-2 capsules during meals or can be taken immediately prior or after meals too
Product Description
Revolutionize Your Daily Grind with Cutting-Edge Innovation
Advanced Digestive & Systemic Support- Most Advanced, Full-Spectrum Systemic and Digestive Enzymes: AIC PANCREATIC MULTI-ENZYME Care combines a potent blend of 8 enzymes along with Ox bile and Betaine HCL, to reduce systemic inflammation, combat chronic infections, and support optimal digestion.
- 8x Pancreatic Enzymes: Protease, Amylase & Lipase, specifically aimed to Break Down Hard-to-Digest Foods; Fat, Carb, and Protein for Children, Women & Men
- Relief from Digestive Discomfort & Maximizes Nutrient Absorption: Reduces gas, bloating, constipation, and acidity, providing quick and effective relief for digestive issues. And enhances the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients, promoting overall health and vitality.
- Fights Chronic Infections & Inflammation: Effectively targets and starves existing candida & yeast cells, inhibits their growth, and aids in detoxifying and cleansing the body. Reduces systemic inflammation, supporting a healthier immune response.
- Improves Stomach Acid & supports Pancreas + Liver + Gallbladder Function: Betaine HCL helps improve stomach acid for digestion. Ox Bile helps those with gallbladder issues and those without a gallbladder.
- Promotes Healthier Skin & Stronger Immunity: Systemic cleanse manages inflammatory autoimmune skin issues and helps detox the blood that gives a healthy skin in psoriasis, eczema, skin allergies, skin rashes, acne, alopecia.
Natural Food Sources
Certain foods contain digestive enzymes, including:
- Avocados
- Bananas
- Ginger
- Honey
- Kefir
- Kiwi
- Mangoes
- Papayas
- Pineapples
- Sauerkraut
Transformative Experience – Exceeded All Expectations!
Cellulase – Abeles F B. Abscission: role of cellulase. PMCID: PMC396106. DOI: 10.1104/pp.44.3.447.
Cellulase (beta-1,4-glucan-glucanohydrolase EC activity increased during abscission and was localized in the cell separation layer of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Red Kidney (bean), Gossypium hirsutum Read More
Pepsin – Heda Rajiv, Toro Fadi, R. Tombazzi Claudio. Physiology, Pepsin. PMID: 30725690.
Food digestion is the breakdown of large food particles into smaller absorbable nutrients needed for energy production, growth, and cellular repair. Read More
Bromelain – Brakebusch M, Wintergerst U, Petropoulou T, Notheis G, Husfeld L, Belohradsky BH, Adam D. Bromelain is an accelerator of phagocytosis, respiratory burst and Killing of Candida albicans by human granulocytes and monocytes. Eur J Med Res. 2001 May 29;6(5):193-200. PMID: 11410400.
The aim of this study was to examine the influence of immuno modulating agents like bromelain and trypsin (e.g. Wobenzym on granulocyte and monocyte functions in healthy volunteers Read More
Papain – Giordani R, Siepaio M, Moulin-Traffort J, Régli P. Antifungal action of Carica papaya latex: isolation of fungal cell wall hydrolysing enzymes. PMID: 1824416. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0507.1991.tb00862.x.
Carica papaya latex inhibits the growth of Candida albicans. Latex proteins appear to be responsible for this antifungal effect. The minimum protein concentration for Read More
Protease – Wei Guoxian, J. Helmerhorst Eva, Darwish Ghassan, Blumenkranz Gabriel, and Schuppan Detlef. Gluten Degrading Enzymes for Treatment of Celiac Disease. Nutrients. 2020 Jul; 12(7): 2095. PMCID: PMC7400306.
Celiac disease (CeD) affects about 1% of most world populations. It presents a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations, ranging from minor symptoms to mild or severe malabsorption, and it may Read More
Amylase – Freitas Daniela, Le Feunteun Steven, Panouillé Maud, Souchon Isabelle. The important role of salivary α-amylase in gastric digestion of wheat bread starch. December 2017Food & Function 9(1) 9(1). DOI:10.1039/C7FO01484H.
The role of salivary α-amylase (HSA) in starch digestion is often overlooked in favour of that of pancreatic α-amylase due to the short duration of the oral phase. Read More
Lipase – Pirahanchi Yasaman, Sharma Sandeep. Biochemistry, Lipase. Bookshelf ID: NBK537346. PMID: 30726031.
Lipases are a family of enzymes that break down triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol. There are expressed and active in multiple tissues; for example, hepatic lipases are in the liver, hormone-sensitive Read More
Betaine HCL – Anthony R. Yago Marc, R. Frymoyer Adam, S. Smelick Gillian, A. Frassetto Lynda, R. Budha Nageshwar , J. Dresser Mark, Ware Joseph A., and Z. Benet Leslie. Gastric Re-acidification with Betaine HCl in Healthy Volunteers with Rabeprazole-Induced Hypochlorhydria. Mol Pharm. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 Mar 8. PMCID: PMC3946491.
Previous studies have demonstrated that increased gastric pH from the use of acid-reducing agents, such as proton-pump inhibitors or H2-receptor antagonists, Read More
Ox Bile – Shekarforoush Shahram, Jaladat Amir-Mohammad, Hadadi Mahtab, Salehi Zahra, Hosseinzadeh Shakib Nafiseh , Parvizi Mohammad Mahdi, Motamedifar Mohammad. In Vitro Anti-bacterial Effect of Ox-bile Against Some Important Gram-positive and Gram-negative Bacteria. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5812/tms-136719.
Ox-bile has been recommended as a natural remedy with several therapeutic potentials in traditional Persian medicine. It has had efficacy against inflammation and infection according to traditional medicine. Read More
Calcium – Ahvazi Bijan, M. Boeshans Karen, Idler William, Baxa∥ Ulrich, M. Steinert Peter. Roles of Calcium Ions in the Activation and Activity of the Transglutaminase 3 Enzyme. Protein Structure and Folding. Volume 278, Issue 26p23834-23841. June 2003.
The transglutaminase 3 enzyme is widely expressed in many tissues including epithelia. We have shown previously that it can bind three Ca2+ ions, which in site one is constitutively bound Read More